Honor The Legacy
It was the auspicious confluence of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Sisters and the Marist Brothers at Northern Boulevard between Clapham and Brinkerhoff which gave St. Mary's High School, Manhasset its promising start in 1949. Their combined mission to make Jesus Christ known and loved in the hearts of their pupils through devotion to Mary, His Mother laid the foundation of a school wonderfully made.
For 75 years, students have walked the halls, excelled in the classrooms, and performed on the stage and athletic fields with the love of Christ in their hearts and the knowledge that they are deeply cared for by the clergy, administrators, faculty, and staff of St. Mary’s. Our alums have gone on to accomplish amazing goals: inspiring careers, beautiful families, and countless contributions to our society, our community, and our Catholic faith. We are deeply grateful for your unwavering support.